
Terms of Use

Onward Kashiyama Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") hereby establishes the following terms of use (hereinafter referred to as "the Terms") for the services (hereinafter referred to as "the Services") on our website "SCEARN" (hereinafter referred to as "the Site") as follows.

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 Scope and Changes to These Terms

1. These Terms and Conditions set out the conditions of use of this Service.
2. These Terms and Conditions shall apply to all Users (defined in Article 4) with regard to the use of the Service.
3. We may revise these Terms and Conditions if it becomes necessary due to fluctuations in economic conditions, changes in socio-economic circumstances, amendments to laws and regulations, or other circumstances.
4. If any of the following items apply, we may change these Terms and Conditions in whole or in part as appropriate in accordance with this Article without obtaining the prior consent of the User.
(1) When the change to these Terms is in the general interest of users
(2) When the change to these Terms and Conditions does not contradict the purpose of the contract and is reasonable in light of the necessity for the change, the appropriateness of the content after the change, and other circumstances related to the change.
5. Whenever we change these Terms and Conditions, we will notify users in advance of the change, its contents, and the effective date of the change by displaying it on our website or by other means that we deem appropriate.
6. If a User uses the Service after the changes to these Terms and Conditions come into effect, the User will be deemed to have agreed to all of the matters contained in the changed Terms and Conditions.

Article 2 Use of the Service

Users shall use the Service in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, these Terms and Conditions, and any other detailed rules, explanations, etc. regarding the conditions for use of the Service separately established by the Company.

Article 3 Services Provided

1. Members (defined in Article 5) may perform the following actions in relation to the Service:
Purchasing products and other items specified in Chapter 4 of these Terms and Conditions from our company.
2. Regardless of the reason, if the Company deems it necessary, the Company may, at any time and without notice to the User, modify, add to or discontinue part of the Service it provides, or discontinue the Service in its entirety.

Chapter 2 Users

Article 4 User

In these Terms, "User" refers collectively to any person who searches, browses, or uses images, text, designs, logos, videos, programs, ideas, information, etc. (collectively referred to as "Content") provided by our company through this service after fully accepting and agreeing to the contents of these Terms. Users include, but are not limited to, the members defined in Article 5 of these Terms.

Chapter 3 Membership

Article 5 Membership

In these terms and conditions, a "member" refers to an individual who has an address or residence in Japan, who has acknowledged and accepted all of the contents of these terms and conditions, who has applied for membership registration in accordance with the procedures specified by the Company, and who has been approved by the Company (in the case of a minor, this is limited to individuals who have consent from their legal guardian).

Article 6 Membership Registration

1. Those who wish to register as members shall apply for membership by going to a website designated by our company (hereinafter referred to as the "member registration page") or other such means, and setting and inputting their email address, login ID, password, name, date of birth, gender, address, telephone number, whether or not they wish to receive email newsletters, etc., in accordance with the method separately specified by our company.
2. If the Company approves an application made under the preceding paragraph, it will send a registration confirmation email, and at the time that this email is sent, the applicant will be registered as a Member.
3. After completing the membership registration in the preceding paragraph, the Member will be able to use the member-only services within this Service.
4. We will not approve your registration application if it falls under any of the following items:
(1) When an application for membership registration is made by someone other than the person who wishes to register as a member. (2) When a minor, a person under guardianship, or a person under assistance applies for membership registration, and such fact is not declared, or prior consent from a legal representative is not obtained. (3) When it is discovered that an applicant for membership registration has previously had their membership registration cancelled, their eligibility to use the service revoked, or otherwise terminated due to a violation of these Terms and Conditions, or a contract or agreement relating to the sale of goods or the provision of services by the Company and Onward Group Companies (defined in Article 11, Paragraph 2). (4) When it is discovered that the application details of an applicant for membership contain false or inaccurate information, or contain missing or incorrect information. (5) Membership registration (6) It is found that an applicant for membership registration has previously engaged in any of the acts set forth in Article 20 (Prohibited Acts) of these Terms and Conditions. (7) Any of the events set forth in the items of Article 10, Paragraph 1 have occurred in relation to an applicant for membership registration, or there is a risk that such an event may occur. (8) For any other reason, the Company reasonably determines that approving the registration would be inappropriate from the perspective of the operation and management of the Service or from a social perspective.

Article 7 Changes to Registration Information

1. If any change occurs in whole or in part to the information registered with the Company through this Service, the Member shall promptly change the registered information on the website designated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "My Page") or other means.
2. If a Member fails to make the change registration set forth in the preceding paragraph and therefore receives late or is unable to receive mail, e-mail, merchandise, cash or other items from our Company, these will be deemed to have been received at the time they would normally be received.
3. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of a Member's failure to make the change registration set forth in paragraph 1.

Article 8 Cancellation Procedure

1. Members may cancel their membership at any time by completing the procedure on their My Page, etc. When the Company completes the cancellation procedure based on the member's cancellation request, the member will lose his/her membership status. All member benefits, etc. at the time of cancellation will naturally become invalid upon completion of the cancellation procedure.
2. Even if a member cancels his/her membership pursuant to the preceding paragraph, this will not affect any debts that have already been incurred at the time, and these Terms and Conditions will continue to apply.

Article 9. Management of Login ID and Password

1. Each member shall have one login ID. The member shall use the member's email address as the login ID.
2. Members shall be responsible for strictly managing and storing the login ID and password set by them when registering as a member.
3. Members may not transfer, buy, sell, inherit, lend, pawn, disclose or leak their login ID and password to a third party, and sharing them among multiple people is also not permitted.
4. If a Member finds that his/her login ID or password has been stolen or used illegally by a third party, he/she shall immediately notify the Company and follow any instructions given by the Company. The Member shall be responsible for any damages arising from this paragraph, and the Company shall not be held responsible in any way.
5. Members shall be responsible for any damages arising from insufficient management of their login ID or password, errors or omissions in use, or use by a third party (including but not limited to use by family members, employees, etc.), and the Company shall not bear any responsibility therefor.
6. If a Member forgets his/her login ID or password, he/she shall notify the Company and follow the instructions of the Company. Furthermore, any use of the Service using the login ID and the corresponding password shall be deemed to have been made by the Member himself/herself.

Article 10 Suspension of Use of the Service and Cancellation of Membership Registration

1. If a Member falls under any of the following items, the Company reserves the right to suspend the Member's use of the Service, cancel the Member's registration, or take any other measures that the Company deems appropriate without prior notice.
(1) If it is discovered that a Member has committed any of the acts set out in Article 20 (Prohibited Acts) of these Terms and Conditions. (2) If any of the facts set out in any of the items of Article 6, Paragraph 5 are discovered after Member registration. (3) If the Member has violated the provisions of these Terms and Conditions or any other rules and regulations established by the Company. (4) If the Member has violated these Terms and Conditions, or any contract or rules relating to the sale and purchase of goods or the provision of services by the Company and Onward Group Companies (defined in Article 11, Paragraph 2). (5) If the Member is not the person who should hold the Membership Card in question, or if the Member has lost his/her membership status. (6) If the Member's whereabouts become unknown and the Company is unable to contact the Member. (7) If there is a delay in the performance of payment obligations for fees, etc., inability to receive goods, etc., inappropriate request for return or exchange, or other default in obligations in relation to the Service. (8) If the Member is not the Member of the credit card used for payment, or if the Member has lost his/her membership status. (9) If the Company determines that the card usage status, payment status, etc. of the credit card used for payment are inappropriate. (10) If the Company otherwise reasonably determines that the Member is unsuitable for membership in terms of the operation and management of the Service.
2. Even if a member's registration is cancelled pursuant to the preceding paragraph, or if the member loses his/her membership for any other reason, this will not affect the member's debts that have already been incurred at the time, and these Terms and Conditions will continue to apply.

Article 11 Use of Personal Information

1. In this service, we collect and use personal information of members for the following purposes.
(1) To manage members, such as through registration and cancellation procedures. (2) To provide the Service and to contact members. (3) To confirm product orders, ship products, and contact members. (4) To respond to inquiries regarding deferred payment and credit card usage history. (5) To provide information requested by members. (6) To send e-mail newsletters to members who request them. (7) To carry out operations related to the sending of catalogs and direct mail. (8) To carry out operations related to campaign planning, conducting surveys, and sending gifts. (9) To utilize for product development and marketing. (10) To introduce, advertise, and promote information about products and services. (11) To respond to inquiries about products and services. (12) To carry out operations related to product repairs and collection. (13) To smoothly manage points in the Service. (14) For other purposes besides those listed above, with the prior consent of the member.
2. Personal information collected by the Company through the Service pursuant to the preceding paragraph may be used jointly by Onward Group companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Company, etc.") for the purposes of use set forth in the preceding paragraph and within the scope of the items set forth below, and the person responsible for such joint use shall be Onward Holdings Co., Ltd. Onward Group companies refers to the corporate group consisting of Onward Holdings Co., Ltd., its subsidiaries, and affiliates (excluding equity method affiliates).
Items of personal information to be shared: name, date of birth, gender, address, telephone number, email address, product purchase history, etc. Please note that the Onward Group companies may change.
3. The Companies shall manage the personal information of Members appropriately and strictly, and shall take reasonable security measures to prevent unauthorized access, leakage of information, etc., and in the event that the Companies shall outsource their business, etc. to a third party, they shall take protective measures before entrusting the personal information to the outsourced company.
4. The Company, etc. will not provide a Member's personal information to a third party, except in the following cases: Even if the Member's consent has been obtained, when disclosing or providing information to a third party, the Company, etc. will make an agreement with the third party regarding the handling of the personal information and will take all possible measures to protect the personal information.
(1) When the member gives consent
(2) When required by law
(3) When it is necessary for the protection of a person's life, body, or property and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent.
(4) When it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of healthy child development and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent.
(5) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national government agency, a local government, or a person commissioned by them in carrying out duties prescribed by law, and obtaining the individual's consent is likely to impede the performance of those duties.
(6) In the case of business succession or joint use due to outsourcing, merger, or other reasons.
5. When the Companies use personal information for research or analysis, in principle, the information will be processed so that individual Members cannot be identified.
6. We may provide to a third party the email address we have collected by appropriately processing it so that it is impossible to identify a specific individual and so that it cannot be restored (anonymous processed information) and uploading it to an external server using secure communication.
7. If a Member wishes to disclose, correct, delete, etc. his/her own personal information, he/she shall make a request in accordance with the prescribed procedures, and the Companies shall respond promptly within a reasonable and necessary scope.
8. Except as otherwise provided in these Terms and Conditions, the Companies shall handle Members' personal information in accordance with the Onward Group Personal Information Protection Policy.

Chapter 4 Use of the Service

Article 12 Purchase of Products, etc.

1. Members may use this service to purchase products, etc. from our company in accordance with the conditions set out in these Terms and Conditions and any other conditions set out separately by our company on this website.
2. When a Member wishes to purchase Products, etc., he/she shall apply for the purchase or use of the Products, etc. in accordance with the method separately specified by the Company on this Website, and any application made by any other method (excluding methods approved in advance by the Company) shall be invalid.
3. In accordance with the application in the preceding paragraph, the Member will confirm the delivery address, order details, etc. that he/she has entered and registered and then click the button to place the order. When the Company then sends the Member an email confirming the order details, a sales contract for the relevant Products, etc. will be concluded between the Member and the Company.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if any fraudulent or inappropriate conduct is found in relation to the use of the Service, the Company may cancel or terminate the purchase and sale agreement or take other appropriate measures.
5. Delivery of products etc. through this service is limited to within Japan.

Article 13 Out of stock

We will make every effort to ensure that products are in stock, but in the unlikely event that they are out of stock, we may cancel a member's application. We will notify the relevant member separately about how to handle the cancellation. Members cannot demand any compensation for damages or loss compensation from us regarding the cancellation. In addition, since second-hand products, rare items, and other products designated by our company are available only while supplies last, members cannot contact us regarding sold-out products or restocking.

Article 14 Payment Method

1. The amount to be paid at the time of ordering shall be the total amount of the purchase price of the products, etc., including consumption tax, as well as related shipping charges and consumption tax.
2. Payment for products, etc. purchased through this service shall be limited to payment by credit card in the Member's name or any other payment method separately approved by our company.
3. If payment is made by credit card, the member shall comply with the terms of a separate contract between the member and the credit card company. If any dispute arises between the member and the credit card company in relation to the use of the credit card, the member and the credit card company shall be responsible for resolving the dispute.

Article 15 Services Provided

1. The Company provides the following services as part of the Service:
(1) The user browses information on the website or other media related to products and services provided or sold by the Company. (2) The member uses the information services set out in Article 16 of these Terms and Conditions. (3) The member uses My Page set out in Article 17 of these Terms and Conditions.
2. Regardless of the reason, if the Company deems it necessary, the Company may, at any time and without notice to the User, modify, add to or discontinue part of the Service it provides, or discontinue the Service in its entirety.

Article 16 Information Services

Those who wish to register as members will be able to receive various information services such as direct mail and e-mail newsletters by registering as members as set forth in Article 6.

Article 17 Use of My Page

Members may use the My Page designated by the Company. After logging in, Members may view each function on My Page and input, change, update, delete, etc., information for each function.

Article 18 Return or exchange of products, etc., and order cancellation

1. Product returns, exchanges, and order cancellations will only be accepted in the following cases:
(1) If the product is defective. (2) If the product you received is different from the one you ordered. (3) If the product is damaged during delivery. (4) If the product is found to be a counterfeit or pirated product.
2. In the unlikely event that any of the preceding paragraphs apply, the member shall apply for a return in accordance with the procedures separately stipulated by our company, and our company shall bear the cost of return shipping, and shall refund the selling price and shipping fee at the time of purchase by the member, or exchange the item for a substitute. Please note that even if you wish to exchange the item for a substitute, it may not be possible due to reasons such as the product being out of stock.
3. From the time of product shipping until the arrival of the product, you cannot cancel your order unless there is a reason attributable to our company. Regarding returns of products after they arrive, please refer to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article.

Article 19 Disclaimer

1. The Company does not guarantee the suitability of the content, etc. of the Service for any purpose, functionality, accuracy, reliability, up-to-dateness, completeness, etc.
2. Except as provided in the preceding article, the Company shall not guarantee or bear any responsibility for the quality, materials, functions, performance, compatibility with other products, fitness for purpose or other defects of the Service and the Products sold through the Service, or for any damage, loss, disadvantage, etc. caused thereby.
3. In the event of a problem due to an unknown delivery address, etc., our company will fulfill its obligation to deliver the products, etc. by contacting the contact information registered by the member and delivering the products, etc. to the delivery address specified at the time of purchasing the product, and will be exempt from such obligation.
4. Regarding comments about products posted on this site by third parties other than our company, even if the content of the comment is contrary to the facts, we shall not be liable for any damages suffered by members who purchase products as a result of such comments, except in cases where our company is guilty of intentional or gross negligence.
5. In the event that the Service provides links to other websites or resources, or links to the Service from third-party websites or resources, the Company shall not be liable for the content, use or results of the linked website, including but not limited to suitability for purpose, functionality, accuracy, reliability, up-to-dateness and completeness. In addition, if the Company reasonably determines that the content of the linked website or resource is illegal or inappropriate for the management and operation of the Service, the Company may delete the linked website without any notice to the user.
6. We shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of the user being unable to use the Service.
7. If a user causes any damage to another user or a third party through the use of the Service, the user shall resolve the matter at his/her own responsibility and expense and shall not cause any damage, loss, disadvantage, etc. to the Company.

Article 20 Prohibited Matters

1. Users shall not engage in any of the following acts. In the event that a violation of this rule causes damage to the Company or a third party, the user shall be liable for full compensation for such damage.
(1) Any act that causes or may cause inconvenience, disadvantage, or damage to other users, third parties other than other users, or our company. (2) Any act that interferes with the provision of this service or the operation of the system used to provide this service (hereinafter referred to as the "System"), any act that damages our company's credibility, or any act that may cause such inconvenience. (3) Any act that resells this service to a third party, resells products, etc., or uses this service for commercial purposes (excluding acts approved in advance by our company).
(4) Transferring or allowing a third party to exercise the status of a member or any rights based on that status. (5) Using the login ID and password of another member illegally. (6) Violating these Terms and Conditions, such as providing false information in an application for membership registration. (7) Causing disruption to the business of the Company, etc., by not providing proper procedures for changing the details of a membership registration. (8) Using the Service under another person's name or a fictitious name. (9) Acts that are contrary to public order and morals or that violate other laws and regulations or that may be likely to do so. (10) Using the content obtained through the Service for any purpose other than personal use by the user. (11) Copying, selling, or otherwise distributing the content obtained through the Service through another user or a third party other than other users. (12) Any act of publishing, distributing, or making public any content, or any act similar thereto; (13) Any act of uploading to the Service or the System, or transmitting by email or other means, any computer virus, computer code, file, program, or other content that is designed or is likely to be designed to disrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of computer software, hardware, or communication devices; (14) Any act of registering multiple memberships by the same person, except as approved by the Company in advance;
(15) Any other conduct that the Company deems inappropriate or improper.

Article 21 Intellectual Property Rights

1. All intellectual property rights of the content used in the Service shall belong to the Companies or to third parties that have granted the Companies permission to use the content.
2. Regardless of the purpose, if any act prohibited by domestic and foreign copyright laws and other laws, such as unauthorized duplication, reproduction, or other unauthorized secondary use of the Company's content, is discovered, the Company will immediately take legal action.
3. If any dispute arises between the User and a third party due to violation of the provisions of this Article, the User shall resolve the dispute at its own responsibility and expense and shall not cause any damage, loss, disadvantage, etc. to the Company, etc.

Chapter 5 Operation of the Service

Article 22 Suspension or Cancellation of Service Provision

1. In any of the following cases, the Companies may temporarily suspend or discontinue provision of the Service in whole or in part without prior notice to Users.
(1) When unavoidable circumstances arise in the course of regular maintenance and emergency maintenance of the System or in the course of other maintenance, upkeep or construction work. (2) When operation of the System becomes difficult due to natural disasters, acts of God, fires, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, lightning strikes, heavy snowfall or other natural disasters. (3) When operation of the System becomes difficult due to social unrest such as war, civil unrest, terrorism, riots or disturbances. (4) When appropriate service cannot be received from the telephone company or provider with which the Company etc. has a contract. (5) When operation of the System becomes difficult due to a malfunction or failure of the System, unauthorized access or hacking by a third party, infection by a computer virus or the like. (6) When restrictions are imposed by laws and regulations, or when a judgment, order or decision is made by an administrative agency, judicial agency or other regulatory agency, or when a request is made by the regulatory agency based on reasonable grounds. (7) When circumstances arise that the Company etc. cannot technically handle. (8) When the Company etc. determines that it is necessary to suspend or discontinue the Service for other unavoidable reasons.
2. The Companies shall not be liable for any damage, loss, expenses, etc. incurred by the User as a result of the suspension or discontinuance of the provision of the Service pursuant to the preceding paragraph.

Article 23 Management of Information

1. The Company, etc. may, at its discretion, freely use all or part of the content posted by users in connection with the Service on the Company, etc. and on sites affiliated with the Company, etc. The Company, etc. shall not be required to make any payment to the poster in order to use such content.
2. The Companies may collect the following information regarding a User's access history in order to investigate the User's access history and usage status, or to improve services to the User.
(1) Information about the IP address or mobile device identification number when the user accesses the server of this service. (2) User access information obtained through cookie technology (a technology that temporarily writes data to the user's computer via a web browser to record and store the date and time the user last visited the site, the number of times the site was visited, etc.).
3. The User shall acknowledge in advance that if the User sets his/her web browser to reject cookies, the User's use of the Service may be restricted.

Article 24 Others

1. If any problem arises in relation to the use of the Service that cannot be resolved under these Terms, the Civil Code or other laws and regulations, the Company and the user shall negotiate in good faith and resolve the problem in accordance with the principles of law.
2. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. Furthermore, the use of this Service shall also be governed by the laws of Japan.
3. In the event that litigation arises regarding the use of the Service, the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance.

Supplementary Provision: These terms and conditions will apply to all users from October 1, 2024.
For inquiries regarding the Terms of Use and this service, please contact Onward Kashiyama Co., Ltd.
SCEARN Customer Support Email Address: customer@scearn.com

Guest Purchase Terms of Use

Onward Kashiyama Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") hereby establishes the following terms of use (hereinafter referred to as "the Terms") for the service (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") for making purchases (hereinafter referred to as "Guest Purchases") on our website "SCEARN" (hereinafter referred to as "the Site") without registering as a member of the Site.

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 Scope and Changes to These Terms

1. These Terms and Conditions set out the conditions of use of this Service.
2. These Terms and Conditions shall apply to all Users (defined in Article 4) with regard to the use of the Service.
3. We may revise these Terms and Conditions if it becomes necessary due to fluctuations in economic conditions, changes in socio-economic circumstances, amendments to laws and regulations, or other circumstances.

4. If any of the following items apply, we may change these Terms and Conditions in whole or in part as appropriate in accordance with this Article without obtaining the prior consent of the User.
(1) When the change to these Terms is in the general interest of users
(2) When the change to these Terms and Conditions does not contradict the purpose of the contract and is reasonable in light of the necessity for the change, the appropriateness of the content after the change, and other circumstances related to the change.
5. Whenever we change these Terms and Conditions, we will notify users in advance by displaying on our website the fact that we are changing these Terms and Conditions, as well as the effective date of the changes, or by other means that we deem appropriate.
6. If a User uses the Service after the changes to these Terms and Conditions come into effect, the User will be deemed to have agreed to all of the matters contained in the changed Terms and Conditions.

Article 2 Use of the Service

Users shall use the Service in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, these Terms and Conditions, and any other detailed rules, explanations, etc. regarding the conditions for use of the Service separately established by the Company.

Article 3 Services Provided

1. Guest Members (defined in Article 5) may perform the following actions in relation to the Service: Purchasing products and other items stipulated in Chapter 4 of these Terms and Conditions from our company.
2. Regardless of the reason, if the Company deems it necessary, the Company may, at any time and without notice to the User, modify, add to or discontinue part of the Service it provides, or discontinue the Service in its entirety.

Chapter 2 Users

Article 4 User

In these Terms, "User" refers collectively to anyone who searches, browses, or uses images, text, designs, logos, videos, programs, ideas, information, etc. (collectively, "Content") provided by our company through this service after fully accepting and agreeing to the contents of these Terms. Users include, but are not limited to, members as defined in Article 5 (Members) of the ATON Online Terms of Use and guest members as defined in Article 5 of these Terms.

Chapter 3 Guest Membership

Article 5 Guest Membership

In these terms and conditions, a "guest member" refers to an individual who has an address and residence in Japan, who acknowledges and accepts all of the contents of these terms and conditions, but does not register as a member of this site, but instead enters the necessary information in accordance with the procedures specified by our company each time they purchase a product, and who has been approved by our company (minors must have parental consent).

Article 6 Guest Purchase Information Registration

1. Those who wish to make a guest purchase will apply for a guest purchase by setting and entering their email address, name, address, telephone number, etc., in accordance with the method separately specified by the Company on the website designated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Guest Purchase Information Registration Page"), etc.
2. Our company will not approve a Guest Purchase application if any of the following items apply:

(1) When a guest purchase application is made by someone other than the person wishing to make a guest purchase. (2) When a guest purchase application is made by a minor, a person under guardianship, or a person under assistance, and such fact is not declared, or prior consent from a legal representative is not obtained. (3) When it is discovered that a guest purchaser has previously had their membership registration cancelled, their eligibility to use cancelled, or otherwise terminated due to a violation of these Terms and Conditions, or a contract or agreement related to the sale and purchase of goods or the provision of services by our company. (4) When it is discovered that the application details of a guest purchaser contain false or inaccurate information, or contain missing or incorrect information. (5) When a guest purchaser has made a purchase without a valid ID or password. (6) It is found that a person who wishes to make a guest purchase has previously delayed payment obligations, been unable to receive products for a long period of time, made an inappropriate request for return or exchange, or otherwise defaulted on obligations in relation to the sale and purchase of goods or the provision of services by the Company. (7) It is found that a person who wishes to make a guest purchase has previously engaged in any of the acts set forth in Article 14 (Prohibited Acts) of these Terms of Use. (8) The Company otherwise reasonably determines that approving a guest purchase would be inappropriate from the perspective of the operation and management of the Service or from a social perspective.

Article 7 Suspension of Use of the Service

1. If a Guest Member falls under any of the following items, our company reserves the right to suspend the Guest Member’s use of the Service or take any other measures it deems appropriate without prior notice.
(1) If it is discovered that an act specified in Article 14 (Prohibited Acts) of these Terms and Conditions has been committed. (2) If a fact specified in any of the items of Article 6, Paragraph 2 is discovered after a Guest purchase. (3) If the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, Individual Terms, or any other terms and conditions established by the Company have been violated. (4) If the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, Individual Terms, or any contract or terms related to the purchase and sale of goods or the provision of services by the Company have been violated. (5) If the whereabouts of the Guest Member become unknown and the Company is unable to contact the Guest Member. (6) If the Company otherwise reasonably determines that the Guest Member is unsuitable as a Guest Member for the purposes of the operation and management of the Service. (7) If there is a delay in the performance of payment obligations for fees, etc., inability to receive goods, etc., inappropriate request for return or exchange, or other default on obligations in relation to the Service. (8) If the credit card used for payment is not the actual cardholder, or if the member has lost his/her membership. (9) If the Company determines that the card usage status, payment status, etc. of the credit card used for payment are inappropriate.
2. Even if the use of the Service is suspended pursuant to the preceding paragraph, or any other measures deemed appropriate by the Company are taken, this will not affect any debts of the Guest Member that have already been incurred at the time, and these Terms and Conditions will continue to apply.

Article 8 Use of Personal Information

1. In this service, we collect and use personal information of Guest Members for the following purposes.
(1) To verify your identity. (2) To provide this service and individual services and to contact you. (3) To confirm the order details of the products we sell, ship the products, and contact you. (4) To respond to inquiries about deferred payment and credit card usage history. (5) To respond to inquiries about the products and services we sell. (6) To carry out work related to the repair and collection of products. (7) For other purposes that have been approved in advance by the Guest Member.
2. Our company will manage the personal information of Guest Members appropriately and strictly, and will implement reasonable safety measures to prevent unauthorized access, leakage of information, etc., and in the event that our company's business, etc. is entrusted to a third party, personal information will be entrusted to the entrusted company only after taking protective measures.
3. Our company will not provide personal information of members to third parties except in the following cases. Even if we have the member's consent, when disclosing or providing information to a third party, we will make an agreement with the third party regarding the handling of personal information and take all possible measures to protect the personal information.
(1) When the member's consent has been obtained. (2) When required by law. (3) When necessary for the protection of a person's life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent. (4) When it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of healthy child development, and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent. (5) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national or local government agency, or a person commissioned by them, in carrying out duties prescribed by law, and obtaining the individual's consent is likely to impede the performance of those duties. (6) When business succession or joint use is required due to business outsourcing, merger, or other reasons.
4. When we use personal information for research and analysis, in principle, we will process the information so that individual members cannot be identified.
5. We may provide to a third party the email address we have collected by appropriately processing it so that it is impossible to identify a specific individual and so that it cannot be restored (anonymous processed information) and uploading it to an external server using secure communication.
6. If a Guest Member wishes to disclose, correct, delete, etc. their own personal information, they must make a request in accordance with the prescribed procedures, and the Company will respond promptly and within a reasonable and necessary scope.
7. Except as otherwise provided in these Terms and Conditions, the Company will handle the personal information of Guest Members in accordance with the Onward Group Personal Information Protection Policy.

Chapter 4 Purchase of Products, etc.

Article 9 Purchase of Products, etc.

1. Guest Members may use this Service to purchase Products, etc. from our company in accordance with the conditions set out in these Terms and Conditions and the conditions separately set out by our company on this website.
2. When a Guest Member wishes to purchase Products, etc., he/she shall apply for the purchase or use of the Products, etc. in accordance with the method separately specified by our company on this website, and applications made by any other method (excluding methods approved in advance by our company) will be invalid.
3. In accordance with the application in the preceding paragraph, the Guest Member will confirm the delivery address and order details they have entered and registered, then click the "Order" button. A sales contract for the relevant products will be concluded between the Guest Member and our company when we send the Guest Member an email confirming the order details.

4. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if any fraudulent or inappropriate conduct is found in relation to the use of the Service, the Company may cancel or terminate the purchase and sale agreement or take other appropriate measures.
5. Delivery of products etc. through this service is limited to within Japan.

Article 10 Out of stock

We will make every effort to ensure that products are in stock, but in the unlikely event that an item is out of stock, we may cancel an application from a Guest Member. We will notify the relevant Guest Member separately of how we will handle the cancellation. Guest Members cannot claim any damages or compensation for losses from us regarding the cancellation.

Article 11 Payment Method

The amount to be paid at the time of ordering shall be the total amount of the purchase price of the products, etc., including consumption tax, as well as related shipping charges and consumption tax.
Payment for products purchased through this service must be made by credit card in the Guest Member's name or by a payment method separately approved by our company.
If payment is made by credit card, the Guest Member will comply with the terms of a separate agreement between the Guest Member and the credit card company. If any dispute arises between the Guest Member and the credit card company in relation to the use of a credit card, the Guest Member and the credit card company will be responsible for resolving the dispute.

Article 12 Return or exchange of products, etc., and order cancellation

1. Product returns, exchanges, and order cancellations will only be accepted in the following cases:
(1) If the product is defective. (2) If the product you received is different from the one you ordered. (3) If the product is damaged during delivery. (4) If the product is found to be a counterfeit or pirated product.
2. The Guest Member shall apply for the return of the product as set forth in the preceding paragraph in accordance with the procedure separately stipulated by our company, and the cost of return shall be borne by our company, and the Guest Member shall either refund the sales price and shipping fee at the time of purchase or exchange the product for a substitute. Please note that even if you wish to exchange the product for a substitute, there may be cases where an exchange cannot be made due to reasons such as the product being out of stock.

3. From the time of ordering the product until the product arrives, the order cannot be cancelled unless there is a reason attributable to our company. Regarding returns of products after they arrive, the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article shall apply.

Article 13 Disclaimer regarding Products, etc.

1. Except as provided in the preceding article, the Company shall not guarantee or bear any responsibility for the quality, materials, functions, performance, compatibility with other products, fitness for purpose or other defects of the Service and the Products sold through the Service, or for any damage, loss, disadvantage, etc. caused thereby.
2. In the event of a problem due to an unknown delivery address, etc., our company will fulfill its obligation to deliver the Products, etc. by contacting the contact information registered by the Guest Member and delivering the Products, etc. to the delivery address specified at the time of purchase, and will be exempt from such obligation.
3. Our company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by Guest Members who purchase products in comments posted on this site by third parties other than our company, even if the content of the comments is contrary to the facts, except in cases where our company is guilty of willful misconduct or gross negligence.
4. In the event that the Service provides links to other websites or resources, or links to the Service from third-party websites or resources, the Company shall not be liable for the content, use or results of the linked website, including but not limited to suitability for purpose, functionality, accuracy, reliability, up-to-dateness and completeness. In addition, if the Company reasonably determines that the content of the linked website or resource is illegal or inappropriate for the management and operation of the Service, the Company may delete the linked website without any notice to the user.
5. We shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of the user being unable to use the Service.
6. If a user causes any damage to another user or a third party through the use of the Service, the user shall resolve the matter at his/her own responsibility and expense and shall not cause any damage, loss, disadvantage, etc. to the Company.

Article 14 Prohibited Matters

1. Users shall not engage in any of the following acts. In the event that a violation of this rule causes damage to the Company or a third party, the user shall be liable for full compensation for such damage.
(1) Any act that causes or may cause inconvenience, disadvantage, or damage to other users, third parties other than other users, or our company. (2) Any act that interferes with the provision of this service or the operation of the system used to provide this service (hereinafter referred to as the "System"), any act that damages our company's credibility, or any act that may cause such inconvenience. (3) Any act that resells this service to a third party, resells products, etc., or uses this service for commercial purposes (excluding acts approved in advance by our company).
(4) Transferring or allowing a third party to exercise the status of guest membership or any rights based on that status; (5) Fraudulent use of another member's login ID, password, or Membership Card; (6) Violating these Terms and Conditions, such as providing false information in a guest purchase application; (7) Using the Service under another person's name or fictitious name; (8) Acts that violate public order and morals or other laws and regulations or acts that may violate such laws and regulations; (9) Any act by a user using content obtained through the Service for any purpose other than personal use; (10) Reproducing, selling, publishing, distributing, or making publicly available content obtained through the Service through another user or a third party other than other users; (11) Any act similar to the above. (12) Any act that infringes or may infringe on the copyright or other intellectual property rights, portrait rights, personality rights, privacy rights, publicity rights, or other rights of other users, third parties other than other users, or the Company. (13) Any act of uploading to the Service or the System, or transmitting by email or other means, computer viruses, computer codes, files, programs, and other content that are designed or may be designed to disrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of computer software, hardware, or communication devices. (14) Any act of registering multiple memberships by the same person. However, this does not include acts approved in advance by the Company.
(14) Any other conduct that the Company deems inappropriate or improper.

Article 15 Intellectual Property Rights

1. All intellectual property rights of the content used in this service belong to our company or a third party that has granted our company a license to use the content.
2. Regardless of the purpose, if any act prohibited by domestic and foreign copyright laws and other laws, such as unauthorized copying, reproduction, or other unauthorized secondary use of our content, is discovered, we will immediately take legal action.
3. If any dispute arises between the User and a third party due to violation of the provisions of this Article, the User shall resolve the dispute at its own responsibility and expense and shall not cause any damage, loss, disadvantage, etc. to the Company.

Chapter 5 Operation of the Service

Article 16 Management of Information

1. The Company may, at its discretion, freely use all or part of the content posted by users in connection with the Service on the Company and on sites affiliated with the Company. The Company shall not be required to make any payment to the poster in order to use the content.
2. We may collect the following information regarding a user's access history in order to investigate the user's access history and usage status, or to improve services to users.

(1) Information about the IP address or mobile device identification number when the User accesses the server of this Service. (2) User access information obtained through cookie technology (a technology that temporarily writes data to the user's computer via a web browser to record and store the date and time the User last visited a site, the number of times the site was visited, etc.). (3) The User acknowledges in advance that if the User sets the web browser to reject cookies, the use of this Service may be restricted.

Article 17 Suspension or Cancellation of Service Provision

1. In any of the following cases, the Company may temporarily suspend or discontinue provision of all or part of the Service without prior notice to the User.
(1) When unavoidable circumstances arise in the course of regular maintenance and emergency maintenance of the System, or in the course of maintenance, upkeep or construction work therefor. (2) When natural disasters, acts of God, fires, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, lightning strikes, heavy snowfall or other natural disasters make it difficult to operate the System. (3) When social unrest, such as war, civil war, terrorism, riots or disturbances, makes it difficult to operate the System. (4) When appropriate service cannot be obtained from the telephone company or provider with which the Company has a contract. (5) When operation of the System becomes difficult due to a malfunction or failure of the System, unauthorized access or hacking by a third party, infection by a computer virus or the like. (6) When restrictions are imposed by laws and regulations, or when a judgment, order or decision is made by an administrative agency, judicial agency or other regulatory agency, or when a request is made by such regulatory agency based on reasonable grounds. (7) When circumstances arise that the Company is technically unable to respond. (8) When the Company determines that it is necessary to suspend or discontinue the Service for other unavoidable reasons.
2. We shall not be liable for any damage, loss, expenses, etc. incurred by the user as a result of the suspension or discontinuance of the provision of the Service based on the preceding paragraph.

Article 18 Other

1. If any problem arises in relation to the use of the Service that cannot be resolved under these Terms, the Civil Code or other laws and regulations, the Company and the user shall negotiate in good faith and resolve the problem in accordance with the principles of law.
2. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. Furthermore, the use of this Service shall also be governed by the laws of Japan.
3. In the event that litigation arises regarding the use of the Service, the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance.

Supplementary Provision: These terms and conditions shall apply from October 1, 2024.
For inquiries regarding the Guest Purchase Terms of Use and this service, please contact Onward Kashiyama Co., Ltd.
SCEARN Customer Support Email Address: customer@scearn.com

Shipping Policy

Products will be delivered by "Sagawa Express". Shipping is free.
Once your order is confirmed, it will be shipped within 2-5 business days (weekdays).
*Please note that the shipping company may change without prior notice.